Monday, April 9, 2007

He Is Risen!

I love it when during the Easter service Pastor Larry says "He is risen!", and the congregation responds "He is risen indeed!". Easter was good this year...although we didn't make it to the sunrise service under the crosses. Our church has three 100 foot crosses in the front of the main building, which is up on a hill so you can see out over the bay, and watch the sun come up. Even though its usually super windy and chilly, we love it. I missed going. Anyway, we did the whole family thing, you know, lots of food, dessert and laughing. Doubly so since we went right from one family gathering to another. Easter is so much more fun with kids around! The kids in the pics are our adorable niece and nephew, Emma & Ethan (7 and 2). So far, they're the only grandkids in the family. As I watched them scamper all over Joe's folks back yard, I couldn't help but wonder what Easter in a few years will be like -what new little ones will be added to the mix? Exciting!

Emma taking her job very seriously.

Got it!

So sweet!

Not bad photography for a 7 year old...she got us centered and everything.

Ethan & Uncle Joe chattin' it up about dozers.

Birthday girlies Megan & Emma. Thinking hard on their wishes for '07.


Anonymous said...

Hey this is really a wonderful post....and great photos...looks like you guys had a great time...and well also visit my blog sometime and check out all the amazing stuff i've posted there!!!