This is my apple green mini iPod. I use it everyday and love it to bits. When its not in the dock, it's in my purse/car being toted around. Quite awhile ago, Candace made a cozy for her iPod that was awesome, and I tucked away that idea in my head to do at a later time. Every time I would go to make it, something would come up, and it would get put on the back burner. The other night, when Joe was watching something he had DVR'd that I wasn't really into, I grabbed some felt scraps, floss, a needle and went to town. This is the finished result:
The front; please folks, hold your applause till the end.
The back with spiffy initial letter "k"...
And we'll wrap up with the full body shot.
All in all, I'm pretty pleased with how it turned out. Mostly, I was using it as an exercise to practice some different stitches, because on the onsies I find myself using a lot of the split stitch, and that's it. If it was truly heinous, I could pitch it...but I ended up thinking it was pretty darn cute, and wanted to share it. Right now, I'm a real navy girl, and I love the aqua and coral against it - gives it a retro kick that I can't get enough of. Note to self - next time, use a ruler when cutting fabric. Eyeballing it is tough. And also, invest in a white pencil, because free styling your design on dark fabric at night is not the easiest. Having a little guide would be lots easier.
Lately, these two men are dominating the play time on the iPod...

Michael, well, I could listen to him sing the phone book and be enraptured. My mom and I are going to see him in August when he comes into town...till then he croons to me on my commute.
And there you have it. The up-to-date info on me and my iPod.
Kate, it's so cute!! The cozy, and the iPod. Great job! And I love me some Michael Buble. Tim got me the new album for Mother's Day and it makes me sway and swoon. Ah...
Great job Kate! So cute, although the Kelly Green IPOD is a fantastic color, it is a shame to cover it up. Yes, Michael Buble...where to start, he is amazing, honey drips from his mouth.
My wife has both those CDs. I don't understand women's fascination with "Mike Bubble". So he sounds like Frank, but Frank is no longer popular. What gives?
Kate! I love the i-pod cozy! It's super cute. Chris Rice is also one of my favorites. His "Run the Earth, Watch the Sky" cd is my all time favorite. I highly recommend it.
I need to make something cute for my iPod, Very CUTE! And LOVE Chris Rice, his songs are great.
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